Sovereignty ( By : Mega Cynthia and Andi Marsa Nadhira )

Posted by 8A on 12:16

Full name: Mega cynthia wisnu  (sovereignty)

address: Karet Pasar Baru Barat I, no. 11 RT01/06 Central Jakarta

birthday: May 6th

hobby: writing

wise word: do something to yourself first then to the others

goal: novelist or a writer

and if I am a novelist or a writer: I want to entertain people with my stories, based on fact or not. I will make people appreciate my stories and make them happy with. And I want to make people know me because of my wonderful stories, and I love to make  people love what I wrote.

Full name                    : Andi Marsa Nadhira

Address                       : Joglo, West Jakarta

Place & Date of Birth : Pekanbaru, September 12 1995

Wise word                   : Nobody’s perfect

Vision                          : Professor

If  I’d be a professor, I’d do researches that could be very useful for human’s life.

Sources of sovereignty: 
• God: that sovereignty is in the hands of god. 
• Country: sovereignty is derived from the State. 
• Law: that the sovereignty of the law. 
• People: the sovereignty of the people who came. 

sovereignty: Figures involved.
Figures related to the sovereignty god this is Augustinus, Thomas, Aquinas, and Marsilius 

Further explanation. This theory developed in the mid-century, the century until the V century XV. When the king is seen as representative gods, but therefore, become a king wishes. 
Theory of the sovereignty of God is the highest authority in the Lord, so based on religion. Theories theocracy is found, not only in the western world but also in the east. So that it can be said that the power of theocracy are owned by almost all countries in some civilization. If the state government that shaped the kingdom (monarchy) and the ruling dynasty is considered to be derivative and obtain the authority from God. For example, if Tenno Heika power in 

Japan is considered as a derivative of the sun god. State sovereignty: 
Figures involved. 
Figures related to the sovereignty of the people this is Jean Bodin and George Jellinek. 
Further explanation. 
This theory is a reaction from the people's sovereignty, but perpetuate the theory of sovereignty in the king's atmosphere sovereignty of the people. the source in the country. From countries considered to have the rights that are not limited to life, liberty and property of citizens. Citizens with rights to own, can be for the benefit of the country greatness. They obey the law not because of an agreement but because it is the will states. This is mainly taught by madzhab Deutsche Publizisten Schule, which provides power to the construction of the absolute king of Germany, in the atmosphere of the theory of the sovereignty of the people. 
In fact the state is just a tool, not who

 has sovereignty. So the teachings of state sovereignty is the sovereignty of penjelamaan new king. Because of sovereignty is the state, and country is so abstract sovereignty in the king 

Law sovereignty
Figures involved. 
Figures related to the sovereignty of law is Krabbe. 

Further explanation. 
Theory of sovereignty emerged as the legal denial of the theory of state sovereignty and found by Krabbe. This theory shows that the highest power lies not in the king (the king of the theory of sovereignty) is also not in the country (the theory of state sovereignty). But the law is that the awareness of law on any person. According to this theory, the law is a statement that the assessment of awareness of human law. And the law is the source of sovereignty. Aw

areness of the law is what distinguishes the just and the unjust. This theory is used by Indonesia to change the law basically, the concept of sovereignty of the people who represented a sovereignty of law. Sovereignty of law listed in the 1945 Constitution " sovereignty have in the people and implemented by the Basic Law. 
There are two or understand the te

achings that provide understanding of sovereignty, namely First Monisme, which states that sovereignty is the single, can not be divided-for, and the holder of sovereignty is the holder of the highest authority in the country (both the shape of the individual or institution). So, the highest authority that determines the powers-powers that are in the country. Second, Pluralism, which states that the teachings of the state is not the only organization that has sovereignty (A Harold Laski). Many other organizations that are 'independent' of the people in the community. So, the task state is just coordinate (koordineren) organization that is sovereign in their respective fields. 


People's sovereignty: 
Figures involved. 
Figures related to the sovereignty of the people this is Jean Jacques 

Further explanation. 
The concept of sovereignty of the people is about the existence of the guarantee rights akan rights of the people, either in the Constitution and in law enforcement (law enforcement). The statement is based on the assumption that the power that comes from the people and the people will bear the power system that will benefit the majority. People who become the main source of power. Government a new country after the people have formed through the mechanism ketatanegaran. Awareness of the danger if power is not limited / absolutisme motif that is the beginning of the s

how concept of sovereignty of the people. 
two basic principles of the sovereignty of th

e people of the same and that political freedom is guaranteed explicitly by positive law. Sovereignty of the people the system is a system that indicates that the general policy is determined on the basis of majority by the deputy vice-supervised effectively by the people in the selection of periodic elections that are based on the principle of similarity in the political atmosphere and held political freedom. The institutional and translated in the form of election institutions, political parties, parliament and 
Pancasila democracy is the system that require the right people pereduksian rights. The 1945 Constitution in paragraph 4 to be found words words ......
sovereignty People with the :.....' and based on Article 1 Paragraph 2 Trunk Diseases of the 1945 Constitution said that sovereignty is in the people and carried out entirely by Assembly Permusyawaratan Rakyat. That is, people truly sovereign, participate formulate public policy, oversee the way the government, through its representatives in parliament deputy who supervised effectively through the general election based on the principles of freedom and political equality. Violation Case sovereignty People Example case absolutisme that ended with the destruction occurred in the year 1793 in France. Era of King Louis XVI is an era where poverty, hunger, and that high taxes can be side by side with the reality of corrupt king who lived in luxurious palaces. Maria Antoinette Queen of the love feast funded treasury. On situsi like that, that people are only a direct object. Public policy decision unilaterally without care needs of the people. Parliament held only for the legitimate ruler of all desires, that too often limit and irrasional. "I am the state and the state is me," said the king.

implementation of the sovereignty
Government System: 
1. Presidential 
• The characteristics of  o The State is in the hands of the president where the president is head of the 


as well as head of government. 
o cabinet (council of ministers) was form

ed by the president and responsible to the president. 
o The President is not responsible to parliament. 
o Prsiden can not dissolve parliament and not under the direct control of parliament. 
o power of the executive elected through separate elections and the legislative power. 
o presidential system consists of 3 elements, namely; 
 President of the chosen people to lead the government and the officials of the government concerned.
 President of the council of representatives has a fixed term of office, can not throw each other.
 There is no status of the overlapping between the executive bodies and legislative bodies.
• With the presidential system, presidents have a strong position and can not be, but if the president of violation the Constitution, the positions of president can be. 
• The system is also called a presidential system kongresional. 

• Figures are involved: Rod Hague 
• Countries that use the presidential system: Canada, United States, the Philippines. 

2. Parliamentary 
• The characteristics: 
o The system is a parliamentary system of government where the parliament has an important role in the government. 
o The Parliament also has authority in the prime minister also topple the government, is to remove the motion does not believe it. 
o There is no clear distinction between the powers of the executive and legislative branches. 
o More flexible and responsive than presidentia

l system, parliamentary system of government, but less stable. 
• Countries that use the parliamen

tary system: Germany 
3. Semipresidensial 
• The characteristics of 
o semipresidensial System is a system of government that combines the two systems of government, namely presindensial and parliamentary.  o President elected by the people. 
o implement the President the power with parliament. 
• Semipresidensial also called dualism or executive leadership cluster. 
• Countries that use the system semipresidensial: France, Finland, Austria, Argentina, Ireland and others.

Understanding: Sovereignty is the highest authority in a country. In other words, the sovereign state has the highest power to set the country and the cooperation to other countries. 

1) Original: power does not come from any country, but from the country itself. 
2) rounded: Each one is sovereignty. For example, although the MPR and the president is different, but it is still there in 1 sovereignty. 
3) Permanent: that sovereignty will remain there during that country. 
4) Not limited to: free all sovereign


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