KPK (By : Ikram Azhar Hagi )
Name : Ikram Azhar Hagi
Adrress: Jln. Musyawarah no. 39 RT008/RW01 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu
Dream: architect
Wise Word: be grateful what you have and use the most should…
"Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi "(KPK)
Function & Duties:
"Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi "has the task of:
1. coordination with the authorities of a crime to corruption;
2. supervision of authorized institutions which make a crime of corruption;
3. investigations, investigations, and prosecutions of criminal corruption;
4. perform actions a crime to corruption prevention and
5. to monitor enforcement of the state government.
In performing the task of coordination, the Commission authorized Pemberantasan Corruption:
1. coordinate the investigation, investigation, prosecution and criminal corruption;
2. monitoring system set in the activities of criminal corruption;
3. request information about the activities of criminal corruption relating to the institution;
4. opinions or conduct of the meeting with the authorities of a crime to corruption, and
5. ask for reports related to the prevention of criminal corruption.
A number of regulations per-laws-an associated with the KPK, among others:
Law No. 3 Year 1971 About Pemberantasan Follow Criminal Corruption§
Law No. In 1999 About 28 countries Penyelenggaraan Clean and Free from Corruption, collusion, and nepotism§
Law No. About 31 Year 1999 Follow Pemberantasan Criminal Corruption§
About Government Regulation Governance And The Role Implementation of Community and Giving Award In Prevention and Criminal Pemberantasan Follow Corruption§
Law No. About 20 Year 2001 Follow Pemberantasan Criminal Corruption§
Law No. About 30 Year 2002 Follow the Commission Pemberantasan Criminal Corruption§
Law No. About 15 Year 2002 Follow-Money Laundering Criminal§
Government Regulation Number 63 Year 2005 on the System Human Resources Management KPK§
"Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi "is
"Realization of a Corruption Free"
Vision is a vision that is quite simple but contains the depth. This vision shows a strong determination from the KPK immediately to all the problems can be related to the KKN. Eradication of corruption that does not require a little time considering the problem of corruption will not be instantly, but required the handling of a comprehensive and systematic.
Pemberantasan Corruption Commission's mission is
"Hard to Implement Changes of the Anti Corruption"
With a mission that is expected later this commission is an institution that can "develop" anti-corruption in the society, government and private sector in Indonesia. The Commission realized that without the participation component of the community, government and the private sector as a whole the efforts to combat corruption will fall in the street.
It is expected that with the participation of the whole society, and in a few years, Indonesia will be free from KKN.
KPK leaders:
Antasari Azhar (Chairman of the KPK)
Born in Pangkal Pinang, Bangka Belitung on 18 March 1953. Of education at the elementary principle of Belitung before I have completed his junior and senior high school in Jakarta. Six years in Jakarta, Palembang Antasari back to when the level lectures in the Faculty of Law University of Sriwijaya. During the lecture, students are Antasari fond organized. He served as Chairman of the Senate Faculty of Law and Chairman of the Board of Sriwijaya University Student Representative.
After the end of lecture, Antasari choose to directly serve the country. He joined the Board of National Law on the Ministry of Justice (now the Ministry of Law and Human Rights). Four years there, Antasari join the judiciary. Adhyaksa corps in this, his serve for more than twenty years with the last position as Director of Prosecution in the Attorney General Criminal General Follow-Young of the attorney general.
During the prosecution, Antasari follow various training and education. Ranging from education service as SPAMA, SPAMEN, and SPATI, to specialized training such as specialist subversion, corruption, and the environment. Fathers two children also had the education and training that is held abroad, including Commercial Law in New South Wales University in 1996 and Sidney Investigation For Environment Law, EPA, Melbourne in 2000. In the same year, he achieved a degree in law master STIH "IBLAM".
On 5 December 2007, the House of Representatives Commission III through voting, decided to hold the calyx Antasari KPK Chairman period 2007-2011 together with four other people. The oath as Chief KPK period 2007 - 2011 made before the President of the Republic of Indonesia at the State Palace on Tuesday, December 18, 2007.
The KPK other leaders are:
Chandra Hamzah, Umar Haryono, Mochammad Jasin, Seeds Rianto
Example case: JAKARTA -
"Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi "set three more members of the House of Representatives Commission IV becomes suspect corruption cases over the protected forest to be Talang Beach Air Port of Tanjung Api-api Banyuasin, South Sumatra. The three suspects are Azwar Chesputra, Hilman Indra, and Fahri Andi unimpeded.
"They are suspected of receiving money in some cases but terse ¬," said jurubicara KPK Johan Budi, Tuesday (12 / 5). Third tersang ¬ ka is a member of the DPR RI 2004-2009 period, ie, Hilman Indra of the F-UN, Andi Fahcri free and Azwar Chesputra of PG-M.
Previously, on Monday (11 / 5), a former KPKtelah Gu-bernur Sumatera Selatan (South Sumatra) Syharial Oesman Related ka ¬ sus allegations of corruption over the forest. According to Syahrial, over the protected forest in the Coast Water District has Banyuasin the public interest to South Sumatra. "handover function over this forest through Menhut officially and in accordance with the laws and requirements, and procedures that apply," he explained.
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