Government system ( By : Devi M. )
Name : Devi Maharani
Place, date of Birth : Surabaya, 5 November 1996
Age : 12 years old
Address : Taman Asri Blok I2/18, Ciledug 15154
Ambition : to be a Doctor (internist or pediatrician).
Wise word : first deserve and then desire
If : if I become a doctor, I accept the poor
people to consultation about their problem.
Government System
The term system of government comes from a combination of two words and the system of government. Word translation system is a system of words (English), which means order, order, network, or how. While the Government derives from the word government, and that comes from the word command. And in the English Dictionary, the word means:
a. The command is the word that means to enjoin conduct something
b. Government is the power that ruled the region, region, or country.
c. Government is deeds, how, things, matters in the rule
So in a broad sense, the government ruled that the act is done by the legislative bodies, executive, and judiciary in a State in order to achieve the goal of providing. In a narrow sense, government ruled that the act is done by the agency and its executive in order to achieve the goal of providing. Government system defined as a full order which consists of various components of government work and affect each other stick in rich purpose and function of government.
System of government there are 2 kinds of the parliamentary system of government and system of government Presidential
Parliamentary system of government and presidential
Two major classification systems of governance, namely:
1. Presidential system of government;
2. Parliamentary system of government.
In general, countries follow one of the world's system of government is. There is another system of government is seen as a variation or combination of the above two systems of government. English country is considered ideal as a type of country that adopted parliamentary system of government. Bhakan, England called Mother of Parliaments (parent parliament), while the United States is the ideal type of state with a presidential system of government.
The two countries are referred to as the ideal type for implementing features that run. English is the first country to run a parliamentary model of government. United States as a pioneer in the presidential system of government. Both countries have until now remained consistent in the principles of the system of government. From the two countries, and the system of government adopted by other countries in world. For more details, the following explanation.
a) the parliamentary system of government
Classification and presidential system of government based on parliamentary relations between the executive and legislative powers. Parliamentary system of government is called when the body of executive power as the executive obtain direct control of the legislature.
The characteristics of the parliamentary system of government is as follows:
1. Legislature or parliament is the only body whose members elected directly by the people through elections. Parliament has the power as the major representative body and legislative institutions.
2. Members of parliament is made up of people from the political party that won general election. Political parties that win in the general election have a great opportunity to become a majority and have great power in the parliament.
3. The government or cabinet of top ministers and the prime minister as leader cabinet. Prime minister chosen by parliament to the executive power melaksakan. In this system, executive power is in the prime minister as head of government. Members of the cabinet usually comes from parliament.
4. Cabinet responsible to parliament and can survive for as long as supported by the majority of parliament members. This means that any time the parliament can overturn the cabinet if the majority of parliament members submit a motion does not believe in the cabinet.
5. Head of state is not at the same time as the head of government. The head of government is the prime minister, while the president is head of state in the country or republic king / sultan monarchy in the country. Head of state has no power of government. He only sebgai symbol of sovereignty and integrity of the country.
6. As a counterbalance parliament can overturn the president or the cabinet on the advice of the king's prime minister can dissolve parliament. Furthermore, elections are held again to make new parliament.
Excess parliamentary system of government:
a. Policy can be quickly easily occur because of adjustments between the executive and legislative branches. This is because the executive and legislative power is on one party or party coalition.
b. The responsibility in the making and implementation of public policy clearly.
c. There is the strong supervision of the parliament against the cabinet so the cabinet be careful in running the government.
Lack of parliamentary system of government:
a. The position of executive / cabinet is very much dependent on majority support in parliament so that the time may be the cabinet by parliament.
b. Position of the body or the executive cabinet is not determined in accordance with the period ending occupation because any time you can disband the cabinet.
c. Cabinet can control the parliament. This was when the members of the cabinet is a member of parliament and the party comes from majority. Because of their large diparlemen and party, members of the cabinet can rule parliament.
d. Parliament becomes a place for his kaderisasi-executive positions. Their experience to become a member of parliament and used to stock to be important for the minister or other executive positions.
b) Government presidential system
In presidential systems of government, executive and legislative bodies have an independent position. Both agencies are not directly related, such as in a parliamentary system of government. They were elected by the people separately.
The characteristics of the presidential system of government is as follows:
1. Providers in the country is the president. The President is the head of state as well as head of government. President not elected by the parliament, but elected directly by the people or the council chamber.
2. Cabinet (council of ministers) was formed by the president. Responsible cabinet to the president and not accountable to the parliament or legislature.
3. The President is not responsible to parliament. This is because the president is not elected by the parliament.
4. The President can not dissolve parliament as in the parliamentary system.
5. Parliament has legislative power and as a representative institution. Members of parliament elected by the people.
6. The President is not under direct control of parliament.
Excess Government presidential system:
a. Executive body position is more stable because it is not dependent on the parliament.
b. Tenure of the executive more clearly with a certain time. For example, the term of office President of the United States is four years, the President is five years.
c. Redactor of the cabinet easy to program with customized time period of occupation.
d. Legislative kaderisasi not a place for office-executive positions as can be filled by outsiders, including members of parliament alone.
Lack of Government presidential system:
a. Executive power is outside the direct control of the legislative body so that they can create absolute power.
b. Questioned the system is less clear.
Decision-making or public policy generally results bargaining between the executive and legislative decision-making so that it can happen and does not expressly take a long time.
Table type system of government of countries
Country | Government system |
Afghanistan | Presidensial |
Afrika Selatan | Presidensial |
Afrika Tengah | Parlementer |
Albania | Parlementer |
Aljazair | Parlementer |
Amerika Serikat | Presidensial |
Andorra | Parlementer |
Argentina | Presidensial |
Australia | Parlementer |
Bahamas | Parlementer |
Bangladesh | Parlementer |
Belanda | Parlementer |
Belgia | Parlementer |
Brazil | Presidensial |
Chili | Presidensial |
China | Parlementer |
Denmark | Parlementer |
Dominika Rep. | Presidensial |
El Savador | Presidensial |
Estonia | Parlementer |
Finlandia | Parlementer |
Gambia | Presidensial |
Ghana | Presidensial |
Haiti | Parlementer |
Hongaria | Parlementer |
India | Parlementer |
Indonesia | Presidensial |
Israel | Parlementer |
Italia | Parlementer |
Jamaika | Parlementer |
Jepang | Parlementer |
Kamboja | Parlementer |
Kanada | Parlementer |
Korea Selatan | Parlementer |
Laos | Parlementer |
Libanon | Parlementer |
Luxemburg | Parlementer |
Madagaskar | Parlementer |
Malaysia | Parlementer |
Mexico | Presidensial |
Namibia | Parlementer |
Nepal | Parlementer |
Norwegia | Parlementer |
Pakistan | Parlementer |
Pantai Gading | Parlementer |
Paraguay | Presidensial |
Philipina | Presidensial |
Portugal | Parlementer |
Prancis | Parlementer |
Ruwanda | Parlementer |
Singapura | Parlementer |
Zimbabwe | Presidensial |
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