KPU ( By : Aisyah Aminy )

Posted by 8A on 23:38

Name: Aisyah Aminy Maulidina
Address: PUSPIPTEK III D/29 Setu-Tangerang
Birth: Jakarta, August 1st 1995

I wanna be a doctor someday when i grow up. If I am a doctor, I will try my best to help people who need me. I will dedicate myself to work on the medication equality for everyone in the world.

wise word 'taking is thanking'


General Elections Commission (KPU) is the state institutions that hold general election in Indonesia, which includes the General Elections Member DPR / DPD / DPRD, Election of Vice President and President, and Chief Election Deputy Head of Regional and Local. 

Before Election 2004, KPU may consist of members who are members of a political party, but after the issuance of Law. 4 / 2000 in 2000, required that members of the KPU is non-partisan. 

Chairman of KPU, Prof. period is 2007-2012. Dr. Abdul Hafiz A.Z ennaq, M.A. 

The institutional, KPU existing KPU is formed after the third democratic elections since the reform in 1998. KPU first (1999-2001) was established with the Presidential Decree No 16 of 1999 containing the 53 members who come from elements of the government and Party Politics and appointed by President BJ Habibie. KPU second (2001-2007) was established with the Presidential Decree No. 10 Year 2001 which contains 11 members coming from NGOs and academic elements and constituted by President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) on 11 April 2001. KPU third (2007-2012) was established based on Presidential Decree No 101/P/2007 containing the 7 members who come from Provincial KPU members, academics, researchers and bureaucrats appointed date of 23 October 2007 minus Syamsulbahri the President was frustrated because of the law 

KPU Chairman: Abdul Hafiz ennaq 

Abdul Hafiz ennaq (born 14 August 1956; age 52 years) is the Chairman of the General Elections Commission of the Republic of Indonesia the period 2007-2012. Previously he was Chairman of the South Kalimantan Provincial KPU period 2003-2008, and as a civil servant to become a teacher of science in Islamic civilization in the history IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin. 

Abdul Hafiz ennaq graduated bachelor in Fakulats Syariah IAIN Antasari (1979), and the graduate degree in 1982, Graduate Pengkajian field Islam (History of Islam) IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta graduated in 1992, and graduated S3 (Doctor) Graduate field Pengkajian Islam (History of Islam) IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in 2000. 

At this time, Abdul Hafiz ennaq also served as General Chairman of the Islamic Studies Institute and Society (LSIK), Institute of Environmental Studies Graduate environment participants IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, as an Assembly Secretary FOKSIKA PMII Kalsel (period 2005-2008); and as Chairman of the Majlis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) South Kalimantan Province / Chairman of the Commission harmony between people Religion Kalsel MUI (period 2006-2011). 

Basic Constitutional KPU 


Article 22E 

(1) General Elections held in person, general, free, confidential, honest, and just once every five years. ***) 

(2) Elections held to select the public member of Parliament, Regional Representative, the President and Vice-President and Council of Regional Representatives. ***) 

(3) The election to choose members of Parliament and members of Parliament is a regional political party. ***) 

(4) The election to choose members of the Board of Regional Representatives are individuals. ***) 

(5) Elections held by a general election commission of a national, permanent, and independent. ***) 

(6) Provisions more about general election is set with the law. ***) 

Law, regulation, and Perpres Related 

1. Law No. 22 In 2007 
About: The General Elections 
2nd Law No. 2 Year 2008 
About Party Politics 
3. Law No. 10 Year 2008 
About: General Elections Member of the Board of Representatives, Regional Representative, and the Council of Regional Representatives 
3a. Government Regulation Replacement Act Number 1 Year 2009
Changes in the Law Number 10 Year 2008 About Elections General Member House of Representatives, Regional Representative, and the Council of Regional Representatives.
4. Law No. 12 Year 2008 
Changes on the Second Law Number 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government 
5. Law No. 42 Tahun 2008 
  Election of President and Vice President 
6. Presidential Decree Number 7 Year 2009 
Determination of Election Day voting Member of the Board of Public Representatives, Regional Representative and the Council of Regional Representatives for the National Day Holiday 
7. Presidential Regulation Number 4 of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2009 
Support smooth Penyelenggaraan Election Year 2009 

KPU in the implementation of the task Election 
1. Program plan, budget and schedule elections set; 
2nd Adjustment of structure and organization of the Secretariat General of KPU at least 3 months since inauguration KPU members; 
3. Preparing for the establishment of the Election Supervisors (Bawaslu) at least five (5) days after the inauguration KPU members; 
4. Bawaslu together to prepare a code of ethics, at least three (3) months after Bawaslu form; 
5. Verify the factual as well as administrative and set the elections; 
6. Updating voter data based on population data and to set one up as a list of voters remain; 
7. Setting standards and the needs of procurement and distribution of supplies of goods and services Election.


Related Cases 

Discover Panwas Jatim DPT Delinquent in District 3 
Irawulan - detikSurabaya 
Surabaya - Election Supervisors Legislative Committee (Panwaslu) East Java to find the appropriate voter list (DPT) problem in the three districts. DPT is a problem in the area of Banyuwangi, and Nganjuk Ponorogo. 

Results panwas reports from the district / city of residence of the mother and the same date and month of birth and name of ganda. 

"Panwas get a report from the district / city of the problems in the DPT problem," said the Chairman of East Java Panwaslu, Sri Sugeng Pujiatmiko to reporters before meeting with the coordination of the Government Building in the East Java Governor Grahadi Street East Java, Monday (23/3/2009). 

Panwas at this time, said Sugeng, clarification is being conducted in areas that are problematic in a matter of DPT. 

"Clarification we're doing in the committee vote (PPS) and this will be a recommendation to the KPU Jawa Timur delivered to the central KPU," he said. 

KPU, he said, must act DPT-related problems. He worried that the names will double or DPT problematic misused by parties not responsible. 

"KPU must be to avoid things that do not want to," he said.


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