Form of Government ( By : Jihan H. )

Posted by 8A on 20:25

Name     :     Jihaan Hafirain

Birth     :    Bandung,9 November 1996     

Adrress         :     Komp.Bank Mandiri blok C-10 ciputat,tangerang

School         :     19 JHS ,CLASS 8a

Goal         :        Lawyer / Economic Specialists / Entrepreneurs 
Dream: - Want to be the person who raised 
                                                      economic condition in Indonesia worsened and 
                                                      Become the most expert in the field. 
- Want to Become the person who defend the truth and prove that we are correct and error reveals the evil in a court.



Form of Government 

Form of Government is a term that describes a series of political intuition that is used to manage and organize a country that is in some category kekuasaannya.Terdapat in the form of government, including: Federation, monarchy, Republic, Democracy 

  - Federation is a form of government in which several states to work together and form a union state. Each state has a number of special autonomy and the central government set a few matters that are considered national. In a federation each state usually has a high autonomy and the government can simply set free. This is different from the unity of a country, usually where there is only the province only. The advantages of a union, there is uniformity among all provinces. Struktue found in a constitutional federation, known by the name of federalism. 

- Is the type of government monarchy where the King as Head Country.There is some some of monarchy in the various systems of government, absolute monarchy (the king who has not limited his power), constitutional monarchy (the king's authority is limited by the constitution), a democratic monarchy (in this system is the king of the throne akan turns between the Sultans). For most countries, the king is the symbol of sovereignty and the sustainability of the country. In addition, usually the head of the king's religion and armed forces commander of a country. For example in Malaysia, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is the head of the religion of Islam, while in the United Kingdom and countries in the bottom of the shade, Queen Elizabeth II is head of the Anglican Christian faith. However, in the current period is usually the role as head of religion is a just a symbol.beside king, there are several types of heads of government have the power field, such as Maharaja wider and Khalifah. 

- Republic is a country in which the calyx end of the fork of the people, not the principle of gentility, but the republic is different from the concept of democracy which the country is totalitarian republic be a republican head of state usually alone, the President argued that many countries are more democratic republic country's monarchy. But it all really depend on who holds executive power. At almost half countries monarchy, the king is but a symbol of state sovereignty, and the prime minister more power from the king. Monarchy usually throne for life and its power will be given to relatives or children, or choose to follow the rules you set. Many countries monarchy is demokratic.From terms of which a more democratic, that there is no clear difference between republic and monarchy. Monarchy in the country, often the Prime Minister has the power of the executive more than the king, the power of tradition only. And there are also some cases in the republic where the rule of totalitarian President (form of government of a country that is not always just try all the aspects of economic and political community, but also always try to determine the values of 'good' and 'bad' of behavior, belief and understand from the public). 

- Democracy is a form of government where the people have full power and authority in political, issue opinions, get human rights, and political rights either directly or representative.democration is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. 

Forms of state government: 
- Argentina 
- Germany 
- Indonesia 
- Iran 
- Croatia 
- Switzerland 
- Bulgaria 
- France 
- Italy 
- Russia 
- Iraq 
- India 
- The people of the Republic of china 
- Singapore 
- Bangladesh 
- Egypt 
- Chad 
- Chili 
- Peru 
- Ivory coast 
- Mexico 
- Romania 
- Finland 
- Kazakhstan 
- Chili 
- Colombian 

- Malaysia 
- United Kingdom 
- Japan 
- Norway 
- Saudi Arabia 
- Netherlands 
- Thailand 
- Monaco 
- Spain 
- Kuwait 
- Jordan 
- Brunei Darussalam 
- United Arab Emirates 
- Qatar 
- Israel 
- Oman 
- Bhutan 
- Saudi Arabia 
- Bahrain 
- Morocco 

- United union 
- Australia 
- Austria 
- Canada 
- Belgium


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