Legislaive candidate Interview ( By : Aryo Bimo and Asentio)
Posted by 8A
Name :Aryo Bimo Utomo (shinto amunawa)
Address :Ahmad Dahlan Street No:57
Birth :Jakarta,17 May 1995
Name : Asentio Rekta El Islammi
Birth: 03-03-1995 Bontang (Kaltim)
Adress : Villa pratama no.19 RT 04/07
South Pesanggrahan Permai Jakarta
Dream : Soccer player
Persons: Agus Rachman
Political parties: Democrats
Q: "What is the vision and mission democrat party?"
A: "Vision: A. Pemberantasan corruption"
B. "Law Enforcement"
C ". aceleration of employment through the"
1 ". Energy source program"
2. Food source program "
D ". The program environment and eco green"
A: "Mission: A. Maintaining national unity"
B. "promote the national economy"
C. "precede and succeed in the program SBY 2009-2014 DPR RI"
Q: "In the election yesterday was the sound that you get?"
A: "1.South jakarta: ± 20,000"
"2.middle of jakarta: ± 9000"
"3.Foreign: unknown"
Q: "How do you campaigning?"
A: "socialize with people directly"
Q: "How many is the cost incurred when campaigning?"
A: "A.Sosialization: 25000000"
"B.Village head cost: 70000000"
C ". Attribute: 75000000"
Q: "Where pendanaanya source?"
A: "A.Own money"
"B. donations from friends"
Q: "how many the total of legislative candidates from democrat party?"
A: "18 candidates"
Q: "Is there any problem with Demokrat in this Election?"
A: "I think not"
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