Name: Hanna Raisya Muljawan
Birth date & place: Bandung, 18-01-1997
Age: 12 years old
Ambition: To become a dentist, and if I become a dentist I would make different schedules... Like the rich men would have to pay while the poor ones don’t have to... (Can you imagine having a tooth-ache and feeling that for the rest of your life???)
Name : Endah Rahmaningrum Handayani
Address : Jl Ciputat Molek Utara Blok D No. 5, Pisangan, Ciputat, Tangerang
Place/Date of Birth : Jakarta/ 5 October 1995
Wise Word : Do things you like to do
My Dream : A Comic Artist
If i become a comic artist, I will make a mystery story, i'll make it interesting so that everyone can enjoy it.
But i have to study how to draw a good comic to become a comic artist. One day in the future, if i success
i will make my own comic school.
Badan pemeriksa keuangan
Badan Pemeriksa keuangan (abbreviated BPK ) is an institution of higher nation system in Indonesia which has the authority to check the management and financial responsibility of the state. According to the 1945 Constitution, the CPC is an institution free and independent.
CPC members elected by Parliament with the attention to the consideration of the Board of Regional Representatives, and inaugurated by the President.
Financial results of the examination submitted to the state DPR, DPD, and DPRD (in accordance with the authority).
Article 23 paragraph (5) Year 1945 Constitution provides that the responsibility to check on Finance held a State Board of Finance Check the rules defined with the Law. Results of the examination shall be submitted to the House of Representatives.
Based on the 1945 Constitution mandate has been issued by The Government No.11/OEM letter dated 28 December 1946 on the establishment of Pemeriksa Finance Agency, on January 1, 1947 while domiciled in the city of Magelang. At that time the Finance Check only have 9 people and employees as Chairman of the Board of Finance is Pemeriksa R. Soerasno. To begin its work, the Financial Check with letter date 12 April 1947 No.94-1 has been announced to all the institutions in the Region of the Republic of Indonesia on the tasks and obligations in reviewing the responsibilities of the State Finance, for a while still using the legislation, which was valid for the implementation of the task Algemene Rekenkamer (Check the Dutch Finance), the ICW and IAR.
In The Government No.6/1948 dated 6 November 1948 where the Board of Finance corrector moved from Jakarta to Yogyakarta. State the capital of the Republic of Indonesia in Yogyakarta still have the appropriate Financial corrector article 23 paragraph (5) Constitution 1945; head was represented by R. Kasirman who was appointed President of the Republic of Indonesia based on the Decree of 31 January 1950 No.13/A/1950 counted from 1 August 1949.
With the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia States (Ris) based on the Constitutional Charter Ris on 14 December 1949, then formed the Board of Supervisors Finance (based in Bogor), which is one of the tools equipment Ris country, was appointed as the Chairman of R. Soerasno start date of 31 December 1949, previously served as Chairman of the Board of Finance Check in Yogyakarta. Board of Supervisors Finance Ris in Bogor have occupied the former offices Algemene Rekenkamer the government Nederlandsch Indie Civil Administratie (NICA).
With the the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1950, the Board of Supervisors Finance Ris which is located in Bogor on 1 October 1950 merged with the Board of Finance based on Check UUDS 1950 and based in Bogor occupies the former office of the Board of Supervisors Finance Ris. Personnel Board of Supervisors Finance Ris taken elements from the Finance Agency Check in Yogyakarta and Algemene Rekenkamer in Bogor.
On 5th July 1959 edict issued by the President of the Republic of Indonesia declares that the Constitution re-introduction of the Year in 1945. Thus, the Board of Supervisors Finance based on the 1950 Constitution back into corrector Finance Agency under Article 23 (5) UUD 1945.
Although the Board of Finance corrector change into the Board of Supervisors Finance Ris Ris based on the constitution of the Board of Supervisors Finance RI (UUDS 1950), and then back into the corrector Financial Year based on the Constitution in 1945, but the basis of the activities are still using the ICW and IAR.
Mandate, the mandate in the Declaration of the President Economic Ambeg and Parama Arta, and in Ketetapan MPRS No. 11/MPRS/1960 and MPRS No resolution. 1/Res/MPRS/1963 has been the desire-the desire to improve the Pemeriksa Finance Agency, which can be an effective means of control. To achieve that goal then on 12 October 1963, the Government has issued Government Regulation Replacement Act No. 7 Year 1963 (LN No. 195 Year 1963), which was then replaced with the Law (Perpu) No. 6 Year 1964 on the Financial Check New Style.
To change Perpu, the launch Law. 17 Year 1965 which among others provides that the President, as Leader of Revolution and the holder of the examination of research on top management and the preparation of State Finance. Chairman and Vice Chairman of the CPC RI domiciled each as the Minister and Coordinating Minister.
Finally, by the MPRS Ketetapan No.X/MPRS/1966 The CPC RI returned to the position and function as the High Country Institute. So the law that underlie the task CPC RI need to change and finally realized in the new year 1973 with the Law. 5 Year 1973 About Finance Agency Check.
In the current era of reform, the corrector Finance has the support of the constitutional MPR RI Annual Assembly in 2002 to strengthen the position as a BPK RI external examiner in the field of State Finance, with the TAP MPR No.VI/MPR/2002 that, among other reaffirms the position correcctor Finance Agency as the only financial institution external examiner and the state need more steadier as an independent institution and the professional.
To further stabilize the task RI CPC, the CPC is set in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 has been amended. Before the amendment CPC RI is set only in one paragraph (Article 23 paragraph 5) and then in three changes of the 1945 Constitution to be developed into a distinctive chapter (Chapter VIII A) with three articles (23E, 23F, and 23G) and seven verses.
To support its work, CPC RI supported with a set of laws in the field of Finance State, namely;
Law No.17 of 2003 About the State Law No.1 financial year 2004 About the State Treasury Law. About 15 Year 2004 Examination Management and Financial Responsibility Country
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