“Majelis Permusyawaratan rakyat” (MPR abbreviated) is a high state institutions in the indonesia state administration system, which consists of members of Parliament and members of the Council of Regional Representatives. Number of members MPR period 2004-2009 is 678 persons, consisting of 550 Member House of Representatives and 128 members of DPD. MPR members term of office is 5 years old, and ends at the same time members of the new MPR swear / appointment.
Wikisumber have a script or the original text related to: Provisions Permusyawaratan People's Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia Chairman of the MPR is Hidayat Nur Wahid. Duties, powers, rights and Responsibility and authority of MPR, among others: • Change and set (Undang-Undang Dasar Republik Indonesia 1945), (Basic Law) • inaugurate the President and Vice President based on the general election • the proposal based on a decision the House of Representatives (Constitutional Court) to dismiss the President / Vice President in the occupation • Vice President inaugurate a President, when President stop, stopped, or can not perform their duties in the occupation • Choosing a Vice President from the 2 Presidential candidates asked if vacancy occurs in the office of the Deputy President of the occupation • Choosing the President and Vice President when they stop at the same time in the occupation MPR members have the right submit proposed changes to articles the Constitution, determine the attitudes and choices in the decision, the right immunity, and the right protocol. After the 2003 MPR session, President and vice president elected directly by the people not by MPR. Hearing MPR convene at least once in five years in the state capital. The hearing was attended MPR valid if: • at least 3 / 4 of the number of Member MPR proposal to cut off the House of Representatives to dismiss the President / Vice President • at least 2 / 3 of the number of Member MPR set to change the Constitution and • at least 50% +1 of the number of Member MPR-trial hearing other MPR decision is valid if it is approved: • at least 2 / 3 of the number of Member MPR present proposal to cut off the House of Representatives to dismiss the President / Vice President • at least 50% +1 of the number of Member MPR to cut off other things. Before taking a decision with the most votes, the first decision with the effort to reach consensus agreement. Position Before the changes of the 1945 Constitution Based on the 1945 Constitution (before the change), MPR is the highest state institution as the holder and implementing fully the sovereignty of the people. After the change of the 1945 Constitution Changes in the 1945 Constitution to bring the implications of the position, duties, authority and MPR. MPR is now based as a country that is equivalent to the other state institutions such as Institute President, the DPR, DPD, CPC, MA, and MK. MPR is also no longer have the authority to set GBHN. In addition, the MPR will no longer issue Ketetapan MPR (TAP MPR), except that in connection with the set to become the Vice President President, choosing the Vice President when the Vice President vacancy occurs, or choose the President and the Vice President when the President and Vice President mangkat, stop, stopped, or can not be perform their duties in the occupation together. This has the material and legal status Ketetapan MPRS / MPR that has been produced since 1960 until the year 2002. Currently Ketetapan MPR (TAP MPR) is no longer a part of the Regulations hierarkhi legislation. |
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