Judicial commission ( by : Bobby )

Posted by 8A on 00:20

Full name:Bobby Amirunnabil Zafran

Nick name :Bobby

age :14  years old

Adress: di JL. Pupan in Lebak Bulus

e-mail :bobby_7ronaldo@yahoo.com

 Handphone number : 087877495882.


I want to be a success people like to be a boss , have a lot of company and other

Judicial Commission 
Judicial Commission is a state institution that was established based on Law no 22 of 2004 which oversees the work of judges and proposes candidates for the illustrious judges. 
Judicial Commission consists of seven members, which currently consists of: 
  Thahir Saimima 
  M. Busro Muqoddas (chairman) 
  Irawady Joenoes 
  Soekotjo Soeparto 
  Zainal Arifin 
  Mustafa Abdullah 
Main partners KY 

Main partners Judicial Commission 
1. Society seeking justice kepuasannya level depends on the quality of the verdict that meet azas of rule of law and justice and the law gives power to the public. 
2. The judge and the judge which is the noble object, and it is the subject of honor and majesty founder maratabat the judiciary in Indonesia. 
Destination KY 
Destination Judicial Commission: 
1. To be able to perform the intensive monitoring of the enforcement powers of the judiciary with the involvement of elements of the community. 
2. Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the judicial power of the judge regarding the recruitment and monitoring of noble judges. 
3. Maintain quality and consistency in decision the judiciary, as always monitored intensively by the institutions that truly independent. 
Being a link between state power and the judiciary to ensure the independence of the judiciary 

Profile M. Busyro Muqoddas, S.H., M. Hum. 

Name: M. Busyro Muqoddas, S.H., M. Hum. 
Place / Date of birth: Jakarta, 17 July 1952 
Religion: Islam 
Home Address: State Secretariat of Housing, 
Jl. No Kemanggisan Ilir. S.1, West Jakarta 
Position: Chairman of the Judicial Commission of the Republic of Indonesia 
Office Address: Wisma ITC, Jl. Abdul Muis No.8 Lt. 5 
Jakarta Pusat 10110 
Busyro Muqoddas, men born in the city "Students" Yogyakarta on 17 July 1952, initiated his career in law in 1983 as Director of Consulting and Legal Aid of the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia. Before Reaching Bachelor degree from Law Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta (1977), men who have hoby read sports books and this was a way berorganisasinya experience as a member of Assembly Permusyawaratan Students Islamic University of Indonesia. 
Next position as Chairman of the Delegation dean-dean of the Faculty of Law as Special Region of Yogyakarta to the RI House of Representatives to deliver Key Thoughts on Bill Penanggulangan situation dijalaninya Danger in 1999. Become a member of the council code of conduct IKADIN Yogyakarta (1998-2000) and member of the Board of Ethics, ICM Yogyakarta (2000-2005) add a long list of organized men who now hold the positions to be honored as the Chairman of the Judicial Commission of the Republic of Indonesia. Wholesaler Masters in Law degree from the Faculty of Law, University of Gajah Mada in 1995 also has a myriad of experience in holding positions in the field of law-office, among other positions as the Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Law III Universitas Islam Indonesia (1986-1988), followed as the Assistant I Dean of the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia until 1990. 
In the years 1995-1998 he served as Chairman of the Pusdiklat and LKBH Laboratory of the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia. Participants in the training of Human Rights Violations Investigation (2004) Curriculum Vitae complete it. With a career in the field of scientific work with the editor to be the book "Politics of National Law" and "Politics of Violence Over Acting" and the research team members and team conflict Maluku author book "Police Role in Social and Political Conflict in Indonesia." 


Vision and Mission Judicial Commission 

VISION statement is the embodiment of the highest expectations of effort to optimize the materialized pendayagunaan human resources in the Judicial Commission through a series of actions that continuously based on the mandate and the Constitution Act. 
Vision Judicial Commission stated as follows: 
Providers realize the power of the judiciary honest, clean, transparent, and professional. 
Mission Statement is commitment, action, and spirit all day-to-day human resources in the Judicial Commission is directed to achieve the VISION Judicial Commission. 
Mission Judicial Commission stated as follows: 
1. Preparing prospective judges who have a certain noble honorable, honest, brave and competent. 
2. Encourage the development of resources into human judges serve and uphold the law and justice. 
3. Implement control of the judiciary it is effective, open and trustworthy. 

Basic Law 

Basic Law Commission Judicial establishment 
1. Basic Law of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 
Article 24A, paragraph (3): 
Candidates for judge magnificent Judicial Commission proposed to the Parliament for approval and further defined as a noble judge by the President. 
Article 24B: 
(1) The Judicial Commission is the independent authority proposes 
lifting the judge has the power and majestic in 
order to maintain and uphold the honor, dignity sublime, 
and the behavior of judges. 
(2) Member Judicial Commission must have the knowledge and 
experience in the field of law and have the integrity and personality 
that is not blameworthy. 
(3) Judicial Commission Member appointed and dismissed by the President 
with the approval of the Board of Representatives. 
(4) The order, position, and membership is set with the Judicial Commission 
2. Law Number 4 Year 2004 about the power of Justice 
Article 34: 
(1) Provisions on the requirements and procedure adoption 
done by the illustrious judges Judicial Commission which is set with 
(3) In order to maintain the honor, dignity and majesty 
behavior of judges and judges magnificent, supervision is done by the Commission 
Stipulated in the judicial law. 
3. Law Number 22 Year 2004 on Judicial Commission 


Powers, duties, & Accountability Reports 

Judicial Authority Commission: 
The Commission proposed the adoption Judicial authorities exalted judges and authorities in order to maintain and uphold the honor, dignity sublime, and the behavior of judges. 

Task Judicial Commission: 
1. The proposed Court Judges 
Judicial commission has the task of: 
  a. Registering candidates Court Judges; 
  b. Make selection of candidates for Judges Court; 
c. Court Judge candidate set, and 
d. Submit candidates to the House of Representatives Judicial Court. 
2. Honorary guard and uphold, And nobleness dignity of Judges 
Judicial commission has the task of: 
  a. Receive reports on complaints about the behavior of judges, 
b. Conducting inspections of alleged violations of the judge, and 
c. Create reports on the examination form of recommendations to the Supreme Court and tindasannya presented to the President and the House of Representatives. 
Accountability and Reporting 
Judicial Commission is responsible to the public through the House of Representatives, with the annual report published and open access to information is complete and accurate. 

RI Law No.22 of 2004 on Judicial Commission (indonesia version) 
RI Law No.22 of 2004 on Judicial Commission (English version) 
Law No. 1 Thn 1950 The Powers of the court and the Supreme Court 
Law No. 14 Year 1970 Terms of conditions of Main Power-Justice 
Law No. 14 1985 Supreme Court 
Law No. 14 Year 2002 Tax Court pjs 
Law No. 24 of 2003 Constitution Court 
Law No. 28 of 1999 free from KKN 
Law No. 3 Year 1997 Children's Court 
Law No. 4 of 2004 of the judiciary 
Law No. 4 of 2004 Description of the judiciary 
Law No. 5 Year 1986 the State Administration 
Law No. 18 of 2003, Attorney 
Law No. 22 Year 2002 clemency 
UU No 7 Year 1989 Judicature Society 
Law No 5 of 2004 on changes in law number 14 of 1985 on the Supreme Court 
Law No. 9 of 2004 changes the law on the number 5 in 1986 on the State Administration 
Emergency Law No. 11 Year 1954 and Amnesty Abolisi 
Law No. 15 Year 2002 Follow-Money Laundering Criminal 
Law No. 20 Year 2001 Changes in the law about the number Pemberantasan Follow Criminal Corruption 
Law No. 22 Year 1952 Facing Likely To Rule 
Law No. 23 Year 1956 Criminal Court and Special Events For Member of constituent 
Law No. 23 Year 2002 Child Protection 
Law No. 23 Year 2002 Description Child Protection 
Law No. 25 Year 2003 Changes in the Law Number 15 Year 2002 About Criminal Follow-Money Laundering 
Law No. 26 Year 2000 Court of Human Rights 
Law No. 27 Year 1999 Book of Changes in Penal Code with regard to the Crimes Against State Security 
Law No. 3 Year 1950 application for clemency 
Law No. 3 Year 1971 Follow Pemberantasan Criminal Corruption
Law No. 30 Year 2002 Komisi Pemberantasan follow-Corruption Criminal 
Law No. 30 Year 2002 on KPK 
Law No. 31 Year 1999 Follow Pemberantasan Criminal Corruption 
Law No. 31 of 1999 Pemberantasan Corruption 
Law No. 39 of 1999 on Human Rights 
Law No. 8 Year 1981 Events Criminal Law 
Law No. 23 Year 1997 Environmental Management 
Law No. 30 of 1999 Arbitration and Alternative 
UU No 7 Year 1970 of the Court Landreform 
Law no 8 / 1999 on consumer protection 


1. Judicial Commission Regulation No. 1, 2005 
     About The Politics of Judicial Commission Chairman 
2. Judicial Commission Regulation No. 2, 2005 
     The Supervision of Judicial Administration 
3. Judicial Commission Regulation No. 2A, 2005 
     The Coordinator of the Commission of Judicial Assignment 
4. Judicial Commission Regulation No. 3, 2005 
     Commission on Judicial Rule Changes No. 1, 2005 
5. Judicial Commission Regulation No. 4, 2005 
     The division of duties of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Coordinator of Judicial Commission 
6. Judicial Commission Regulation No. 5, 2005 
     On Ethics & Guidelines behavior Judicial Commission Member 
7. Judicial Commission Regulation No. 6, 2005 
     Honorary Board of the Commission on Judicial 
8. Judicial Commission Regulation No. 2 Year 2006 
     About Tata Cara Court Judge Candidate Selection 
  9. Presidential Regulation No.75 of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2005 
     Secretariat General of the Commission on Judicial 
10. Secretary-General Regulations KY No: 01/P/SJ.KY/1/2006 
      About Organization and Administration Commission of Judicial Affairs Setjen 

One of the things in the Judicial Commission. 
Head of Branch Bank Panin convicted Garut 7.5 Years 
GARUT (Suara Karya): Head of Branch Bank Panin Garut Suhendrik Arisanto and Operations Manager Mansyur Husli convicted each 7.5 years in prison by a court of Garut terbukti disadvantage because the bank is equal to Rp 4 billion. 
   "Act violates both bankers Law No. 10/1998 on Banking, so they also penalized a fine of Rp 10 million subsidiary of six months confinement," said Kasi Criminal General (Pidum) Attorney General Affairs (Kejari) Garut Ismail Otto, on Wednesday. 
     Crimes committed both embezzlement of funds is the client using the mechanism of white bill, which revealed the results of the investigation and audit team from Panin Bank Center on 23 November 2007. 
     "The uncovered deficit between the receipt of cash with the amount listed in the book of Rp 4 billion more, which is the amount of accumulation of the deficit during 2001 - 2007," he said. 
     Audit results also showed that in 2003 the deficit occurred and Rp 1 billion in 2005 to Rp 3 billion in 2007 so that the overall deficit could reach Rp 4 billion. 
     However terpidana during the second period 2001-2007, can still close the deficit-covering, which is then revealed at the examination conducted by a team of cash Panin Bank Center. 
     Both act up, Panin Bank Center reported the case to Polda Jabar, and then there are four known suspects allegedly strong as the brain bank embezzlement of funds, including Suhendrik Arisanto and Mansyur Husli. "Two employees each berinisial HS and the DS up to now is still in the investigation Polda Jabar," he said. 
     They practice customer service to receive deposits outside of working hours, they do not input to the receipt of cash, even Suhendrik just recording the next day.


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