Government system in Indonesia ( By : Andwi Korina P. )

Posted by 8A on 20:03


Name: Andwikorina Diandra Prasetyo

Place, date of birth: Jakarta, 28 June 1995

Age: 13 years old

Address: Kebembem Raya num: 6, Jagakarsa

Ambition: to be a Surgeon

Wise Word: healthy is very important for the life

If: if I'm a doctor, I will help all the people have a good healthy and always happy













System of government is a system that belongs to a country in managing the government. 
System and system of government has a goal to maintain the stability of that country. However, in some countries of separatism often occur because the system of government of the people that are considered burdensome or harmful people.
Widespread system of government means that people maintain stability, keep the behavior of the majority and minority, to maintain foundation of government, maintaining the strength of political, defense, economic security. 
The narrow, the system only as a means for groups to run the wheels of government in order to maintain stability in the country relatively long time and prevent the existence of reactionary and radical behavior from the people themselves 

Indonesian system of government before and after amendment 
1. Governance System By Country Indonesia before the 1945 Constitution amended. 

This system of government in the explanation of the 1945 Constitution of the 7 key basic system of government. Namely: 

• Indonesia is a country based on law (rechtsstaat) 
• Constitutional System. 
• The power is in the hands of the MPR 
• President of the State government it is the highest in the bottom of the MPR. 
• The President is not responsible to the House of Representatives. 
• Minister of State is the president's maid, and is not responsible for the House of Representatives. 
• Head of State power is not unlimited. 

Based on seven key subject, the system according to the Indonesian government following the 1945 Constitution presidential system of government. 
System of government is run during the New Order under the leadership of President Suharto. 
Characteristics of the presidential system of government is the power of a very large institution in the presidency. 

At the time this system of government, presidential power is based on the 1945 Constitution as follows: 

• The legislative powers. 
• The power as head of government. 
• The power as head of the State. 
• The highest in the military. 
• constitutive & induct the members of the MPR region or the messenger. 
• constitutive of the state ministers and officials. 
• entitled to declare war, make peace, and agreements with other countries. 
• entitled to receive the ambassador and the ambassador from another country. 
• have the right to give the title, service marks, and other - other honors. 
• entitled to pardon, amnesty, abolisi, and rehabilitation. 

Negative impacts that occur from the system of presidential government is as follows: 

• There was a concentration of power at a State institution, the president. 
• The role of supervision of the House of Representatives & the weak. 
• Officers - State officials who are appointed tend to dimanfaat and loyal support of presidential power. 
• Policies that are made tend to benefit people - people close to the president. 
• Creating the behavior of KKN. 
• There personifikasi that the president considered the State. 
• People not made the powerless, and subject to the president. 

Positive impact that occurs from the system of presidential government is as follows: 

• The President can control the whole organization of government. 
• U.S. government is able to create a compact and solid. 
• The system of government is more stable, not easily changed or fall. 
• Conflict and disagreement between the State authorities can be avoided. 

Indonesia enter the era of reform. Where is the Indonesian people want and is committed to creating a democratic system of government. Therefore, the government needs to organized according to the constitution (constitutional). Characterized as the following: 
• There is a restriction of power ekskutif. 
• Assurance of the right - of human rights and citizens Country. 
2. Governance System By Country Indonesia after the 1945 Constitution amended. 

Principal - principal of this system is as follows: 

• The form of the State unit with the broad principle of autonomy. Region Country divided into several provinces. 
• The form of government is a Republic. 
• The system of government is presidential. 
• The President is the head of the State as well as head of government. 
• Cabinet or the minister appointed by the president and responsible to the president. 
• The Parliament consists of two (bikameral), the DPR and DPD. 
• executed by the judicial power of Supreme Court and judicial bodies underneath. 

System of government is basically following the presidential sitem. This was with the president as head of state and head of government. The President is also to be outside direct control of the House of Representatives and is not responsible for the parliament. 

Some variations from the presidential system of government in Indonesia is as follows: 

• when the President - the MPR can be dismissed upon the suggestion and consideration of the House of Representatives. 
• U.S. officials in the State need and / or the House of Representatives approval. 
• President in particular need to issue a policy and / or the House of Representatives approval. 
• Parliament be given greater powers in terms of establishing law - law and the right budget (budget). 

Thus, there is a change - a change in the new system of government of Indonesia. Indeed, it is improving in the old presidential system. New changes, including the election of the president directly, bicameral system, check and balance mechanism, and the greater power to parliament to do the supervision and budget functions. 

An example system of government in Indonesia 

a. System Presidensiil 
Presidensiil system (presidential), or also called the system kongresional, is a republican system of government in countries where executive power is selected through a separate election and the legislative power. 
According to Rod Hague, presidensiil government consists of 3 elements, namely: 
• President of the chosen people to lead the government and officials of government-related. 
• President of the council of representatives has a fixed term of office, can not throw each other. 
• There is no status of the overlapping between the executive bodies and legislative bodies. 
Presidensiil in the system, the president has a relatively strong position and can not be as low as the low subjective political support. However, there are mechanisms to control the president. If the president of violation the Constitution, treason against the state, and criminal issues involved, the position of president can be. When he was dismissed because of certain violations, usually a vice president will replace the position. 
This model adopted by the United States, the Philippines, Indonesia and most countries in Latin America and Central America. 
The characteristics of presidensiil namely: 
• are headed by a president as head of government head of state at a time. 
• president of the executive power was based on democracy and the people elected directly by them or through a representative body of the people. 
• The President has the right prerogratif (privilege) to raise and dismiss ministers who lead the department and non-department. 
• Minister, ministers are responsible only to the executive power to the president is not legislative power. 
The President is not responsible to the legislative power. 

b. Parliamentary System 
System is a parliamentary system of government where the parliament has an important role in the government. In this case, the parliament has the authority in the prime minister and parliament can overturn the government, that is the way out does not believe such a motion. Presidensiil with a different system, where the parliamentary system can have a president and a prime minister, the authorities of the government road. In presidensiil, president of the road authority of government, but in the parliamentary system the president is only a symbol of the country only. 
Parliamentary system is differentiated by the executive branch of government depends on the support directly or indirectly legislative branch, or parliament, often expressed through a veto confidence. Therefore, there is no clear separation of powers between the executive branch and legislative branch, the criticism from some who feel a lack of checks and balance that is found in a republican presidency. 
Parliament praised the system, compared with the system presidensiil, because kefleksibilitasannya and responses to the public. Kekurangannya he is often led to a less stable government, as in the Weimar Republic of Germany and the French Fourth Republic. Parliamentary system usually has a clear distinction between the government and the head of state, with the head of government is the prime minister, and appointed as head of state with little power or seremonial. However, some systems also have a parliament elected a president with more power as head of the country, providing a balance in this system.


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