Police ( M. Alifandri & M. Raditya )
Name : M.Alifandri sangadji
Name : M. Raditya
Police, from the Dutch politie that takes from the Latin politia comes from the Greek word that means politeia residents of the city or municipality.
In the modern sense, the police is a general civil regulation that set the order (order) and the law. However, sometimes this is militaristis regulation, such as in Indonesia before the police removed from the environment court in ABRI.Polisi served as penyidik.In duties he seek intelligence from various sources of information and witnesses.
Therefore, also in Indonesia, the police civil service, in-unit-i command a civil service Mantri Police (MP PP) at the Head (Assistant Wedana first). MP PP first responsible to Wedana. Police also known by the term royal policies in Malaysia and Brunei.
Independence Police separation since beginning of ABRI on 1 April 1999 as part of the reform process and should be regarded as a wise took action to the stage to realize the police as a servant of the professional and close to the community, changes to the governance of national civil society towards a democratic, secure, orderly, fair and prosperous.
Independence police are not to make a closed institution and walk and work alone, but in kerangkan country grammarity government and state unity of the Republic of Indonesia, including in the whole autonomous region anticipate in accordance with the Law No.22 year 1999 on Regional Autonomy and Law Act No.25 of 1999 regarding the financial center and the regions.
Development of skills and strengths and the use of police power is managed in such a way that can support the implementation of the duties and responsibilities as a caretaker function of police security in the country. Duties and responsibilities is to give a sense of security to the country, community, property crime and the action of natural disasters.
Police efforts to implement self-reliance with the changes through the three aspects, namely:
• Structural aspects: Includes institutional changes in the Police country grammarity, organization, order and position.
• Instrumental Aspects: Includes philosophy (Vision, Mission and goals), doctrine, authority, competence, capability and function Iptek.
Cultural aspects: It is the estuary of the aspects of structural changes and instrumental, as all must be realized in the form of a quality police service to the community, the changes include changes in management, recruitment system, education system, material facilities systems and services, the budget system, the system operational.
With regard to the description task, then the police will continue to make changes and regulation in both the field of operations and would also force development in line with the reform effort.
Police are able to become a patron and servant Pengayom The people who are always close together and the community, and as a law enforcement professional and proposional the supermasi always respects the law and human rights, security and order of affairs and realize security in the country in a national life a democratic and prosperous society.
Vision based on the description as mentioned above, further clarification about the Mission Police jabaran future are as follows:
• Provide protection, Pengayoman and service to the community (including aspects of security, surety, safety and peace) so that the community is free from harassment and physical psykis.
• Provide guidance to the community through preventive efforts preemtif and that can raise awareness and strength, and adherence to community law (Law abiding Citizenship).
• enforce the law professionally and proportionately uphold the rule of law and human rights to the existence of rule of law and justice.
• Maintaining the security and public order with fixed attention to norms - norms and values - values that apply in the frame of legal integrity of the Republic of Indonesia.
• Managing human resources professionals in the police in achieving the goals that police security establishment in the country so that it can encourage the increasing passion for achieving the welfare of the community
• Increase efforts to consolidate into the (internal police) as an effort to make the Vision and Mission police fore.
• Maintain police soliditas institutions from the influence of various external organizations that are very harmful.
• Continuing the restoration of security operations in several areas of conflict to ensure the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia.
Increasing awareness and legal awareness of the nation's community berbhineka single ika.
In order to realize the Vision and Mission to the police during the years 2000 - 2004 which will be set targets to be achieved are:
Field Kamtibmas
• Achieving Kamtibmas the situation kondosif for the realization of national development.
• the creation of a process of consistent law enforcement and berkeadilan, free of KKN and uphold human rights.
• materialization law enforcement who have integrity and high professional ability and able to act firmly and fairly authoritative.
• Awareness of the law and adherence to the legal community that increase realized in the form of a dynamic and active participation of the community efforts of the higher Binkamtibmas.
• The performance of the police more professional and with a proportionately higher values of democracy, so be strong and get support from the community to realize the environment is more secure and orderly.
Line of Security Affairs
• Achieving harmony among religious people in the framework of social interaction and intensive growth of a nation to ensure the integrity of the nation that pro Bhineka Tunggal Ika.
Stay tegaknya the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
Disimak from the womb and the Pancasila philosophy Tribrata the load values of the police as the main servant, as an example of citizens and must maintain the order of the private people.
Birth, growth and development of police can not be separated from the history of the struggle for independence since Proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia. The independence of Indonesia, police have been faced in the tasks that unique and complex. In addition to managing security and public order in times of war, police are also directly involved in hostilities against the colonists and the military opersai with armed forces of the other. Conditions like this done by the police because the police of birth as the only armed units of a relatively more complete.
Only four days after independence, precisely on 21 August 1945, explicitly forces police immediately proclaim themselves as police forces of the Republic of Indonesia led by the Inspector Class I (The Lieutenant) Police Mochammad Jassin in Surabaya, the first step is in addition to cleaning and disarmament of Japanese soldier who lost the war, but also raise moral and patriotic spirit of the people and the unit-armed unit that was being depression and defeat for a long war.
On 29 September 1945 confederate army which there are thousands of soldiers invade the Netherlands want to plead with the Indonesian army rub Japan. In fact it's ally troops want to help re-colonize Indonesia Netherlands. Therefore, the war between the partners with the troops going Indonesiapun everywhere. Klimaksnya occurred on 10 November 1945, which is known as "The Surabaya". Date is then used as the National Heroes Day is every year diperingati by the Indonesian people.
Activists 10 November Surabaya 1945.di be very important in the history of Indonesia, not only because it killed thousands of people of Indonesia, but more than that because the spirit heroiknya able to convulse the world and the UN will be the existence of state and nation in the eyes of the world. Police forces in the least stir the spirit of resistance of the people when itupun very besar.alam create security and order in the country, many police also sudan busy by the various military operations, crushing the rebellion of DI & TII, PRRI, PKI and RMS RAM G 30 S / PKI and various crushing GPK.
In the end the police in an increasingly modern and global, not just the police take security and order in the country, but also involved in issues of security and order of the regional and international, as is the policy of the United Nations has requested the troops - police forces, including Indonesia, to participate actively in the various police operations, for example in Namibia (South Africa) and in Cambodia (Asia).
Police Expected Society
Saturday, 28-Mar-2009
SO figure that is not intimidating, authoritative, and many people are expected to profile the ideal ideally when someone serve in the police institution. However, it is not easy. What, the police profession dealing with the challenges and tests, especially in the field, when dealing with people.
One of the challenges the police, especially the traffic police (traffic cop) is the level density on the road and the mobility of such high society. Traffic cop charged menertibkan and provide security and comfort for road users. If the task is executed with the expectation to be good people, including the traffic violator itself.
His traffic offender for at this time the object is always the traffic cop for the individual. On the other hand, traffic policeman was also charged in the foremost position in the penertiban. That is, not until the traffic situation to be orderly civilian blessing - the regulator perempatan roads without uniform.
Is strictly necessary. However, more is more instructive ways that are part of the service aspects of the task and become a burden traffic cop.
Because, maintain public order, enforce laws, and to provide protection, Pengayoman, and service to society is a task that the police can not be separated with each other. Including in this case, the traffic cop behavior and performance continues to be concerned. Functions and tasks of the police is clearly written in Article 13 of Law no. 2 Year 2002 on the Police of the Republic of Indonesia and as basis aturannya there, it is necessary implemented.
If the main task carried out, will not hear complaints on the performance of the police, especially the traffic cop. With the Law. 2 In 2002, the police should also control themselves. (Freedom Daily, 28-3-2009)
Although there is quite ancient, the image of the police or by the police against pencitraan community can not be ignored altogether. A public institutes such as the police or police, who want to be able to work effectively, requires legitimacy from the communities in which they work.
In other words, the police need to build and maintain the image in the community. This image becomes more urgent since the nation entered the era of Reformasi Indonesia overturn almost all the policies and the pre-reform government.
Police are window dressing (show windows) for the changes in society. Whether a government is sensitive to changes-in this case, reform can be seen from how the police-polisinya. Indeed, changes occur in every community, the police who first exposed imbasnya. Is that democracy, transparency, akuntalibitas, human rights, the police will be the window changes. Therefore it is said, the police should always one step ahead of his people. Police are leaders of the nation, said in a seminar on international police in Sicilia, Italy, about two decades ago.
Electrical current of reform
Berimbas changes due to reforms in the police. As a result, the police must re perpolisian policy in Indonesia is not an obstacle that the reform process. Development should be the image of police reform political direction. Indonesian police could not act more authoritarian and holds "the most polisilah know", decide themselves what to do. This includes the characteristics of police authoritarian syndrome. How such a line has been buried ambruknya authoritarian regime in 1998.
Since leading the police, General (Pol) Sutanto a "Perpolisian Society" (Community Policing). This is a positive response to the demands of reform and appropriate policy. Perpolisian community is very thick with the feel of the existing police and community work in particular. Police no longer put themselves vertically above the people, but there are horizontal and in the community with the community.
Nuances of social or social issue is a new paradigm in the history of the police and perpolisian in this country. Many act and how long perpolisian technique that need to be reviewed and corrected to match the new paradigm. In fact it not only changes in the way perpolisian, but more than that, changes in police culture and perpolisian. Culture is related attitudes and behavior of human-human because of police-related behavior change. Here we are dealing with a large job and not easy to implementation. Difficult or not, the behavior changes must occur if the police want to build a new image.
Police personnel
My suggestion, that steps have been initiated since the receipt of police personnel. If the recruitment is not right and good to be the police, efforts to improve in the future will be a difficult job. They are acceptable as are the police who have psychiatric predisposisi to "protect and serve the community." This character-related psychosis police that I rumuskan as O2H (brain, muscle, and conscience).
Given the very specific conditions, the momentum acceptance of personnel (recruitment) is very crucial and the results should continue to be developed in education. The next step, making education curriculum that rotates on the axis to protect and serve the community. Strength may be used by the police is that the task be caused to bow to the glory of the police, not the naked power (brute force). Basically, the work as a humane police job, a job and feel of full humanity. Education policy is not static, while only education, but continues when they are served in the field.
Berparadigma new police task that will not be successful if the people invited and not. Community dealing with the trauma of police in the past should be removed. New image that is now established that the police are working in, to, and with the community. Police-police the new generation needs to realize, first of all their members are ordinary people, and as the police. Occasionally the police will need to use force, but now the police need to always think "use of force to what?"
Reminded, the police also ordinary members of society who have the rights of humanity, such as other people. So, the police must also be fulfilled by their rights as human beings and members of the community. So, if not excessive exploitation of the police and pengurasan also violate human rights.
The new generation of police
Perhaps only the police, in which the institution berkelindan closely with the community. So, the first lesson is to bring new police, the police task alleviate human suffering (to grasp human suffering). Thus, the presence of police can not hurt the people left. Indeed, the ideal weight to be police, but that is the fee that must be paid to build the image of the police.
So, from now on, we need to build the police together, namely by the police and the community itself. We close the old sheet, where the police dicitrakan as institutions of power, dealing with the public. Now, with the idea perpolisian community, the police do not have on the community and the community as a target. Police have together, and in the middle of the community because of its duty "to protect and serve". Police no longer a loop "and the father of the most well-know." With this motto, police already have in a way that is true because of its duty to protect the community. Ideas perpolisian community in Indonesia more strain police task that is universal.
To achieve the ideal, the police needed a new generation, and this takes time. The late start, the more we are far from the ideals of the police have a new generation is.
Thus, the momentum of the Resurrection 100 years, 80 years old Youth Oath, and Day Bhayangkara-62 need to be a milestone for the police to rise.
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